2-Series Professional Media Controller
When a signal goes high, the corresponding relay closes for as long as the signal
remains high. When the signal goes low, the relay opens. If a signal is undefined, the
relay is open.
Slot 5: C2ENET-1
The C2ENET-1 port enables the MC2E to control up to 252 Ethernet devices. Each
Ethernet device is assigned a unique identifier called an IP ID, which is a
hexadecimal value ranging from 03 to FE.
To view the list of supported devices, expand the control system in the bottom pane
System Views
and double-click the C2ENET-1 slot. Supported devices include
Ethernet control modules, PC and Web browser interfaces, and a variety of Crestron
Ethernet touchpanels. To add a device to the system expand the C2ENET-1 slot and
double-click the desired IP ID, or right-click and select
Add Item
from the submenu.
Then select the device you want to add.
In Program Manager, the C2ENET-1 symbol contains no signals; to program a
controlled Ethernet device, expand the C2ENET-1 symbol in
Program View
. Then
drag the symbol to
Detail View
. (Alternatively, you can double-click the symbol.)
For further information about e-Control applications, including basic concepts and
terminology, refer to the Crestron e-Control Reference Guide, DOC. 6052. The latest
version is available in PDF format from the Downloads section of the Crestron
website (www.crestron.com).
Slot 6: C2I-MC2-COM2
The MC2E provides two serial COM ports (A and B) that enable RS-232, RS-422,
and RS-485 communication.
Each port has a built-in serial driver with communication settings that must be
specified in Configuration Manager: double-click a COM port to open the “Device
window, and then click the
Serial Settings
tab. These settings define the
protocol that a controlled serial device expects, and include the baud rate, parity, and
the number of data bits and stop bits. In addition, a device might require hardware or
software handshaking, which controls the flow of data between two devices. The
exact protocol is described in the manufacturer's documentation.
The Crestron database includes numerous serial devices, with default logic and pre-
configured communication settings, which are compatible with the ports on the
COM card. Simply drag the serial device from the Crestron Database folder to one of
the ports on the COM card and click
when prompted to replace the built-in serial
driver for that port. In most cases, the default logic should be loaded as well.
In Program Manager, the C2I-MC2-COM2 symbol contains no signals; to program a
serial driver, expand the C2I-MC2-COM2 slot by clicking the plus sign in Program
View. Then drag the desired serial driver to Detail View. (Alternatively, you can
double-click the symbol.)
By default, RTS idles high unless controlled by a program.
Slot 7: C2I-MC2-IR-INPUT
The MC2E can accommodate up to 60 individual IR inputs (hex 01 through hex 3F).
2-Series Professional Media Controller: MC2E
Operations Guide - DOC. 6142