software. An ActiveCNX Interface is considered an Ethernet "device," and
therefore gets an IP ID and an entry in the IP Table, which references the IP
Address of the CNX Gateway. The e-Schedule system uses four ActiveCNX
Interfaces, each with different definitions for 1) Sources 2) Switchers 3)
Destinations and 4) Global Signals.
—each source device in the head end must have a corresponding
ActiveCNX Interface programmed into the control system. For example, the
six source devices in the head end of the sample system require six
“Source”ActiveCNX Interfaces to be programmed into the CNMSX-Pro.
—if a switcher is used, it must have a “Switcher” ActiveCNX
Interface programmed into the control system.
—each destination (set-top box/room) must have a
“Destination” ActiveCNX Interface programmed into the
system. Each local source, if any, must have a “Source” ActiveCNX
Interface programmed into the
control system. For example,
Classrooms 2 and 3 of the sample system each have one “Destination” and
one “Source” Interface programmed into the CEN-TVAV.
Global Signals
—each location where global events may be scheduled must
have a “Global Signals” ActiveCNX Interface programmed into the
appropriate control system. The Cfg_EventSignals_Signals table can then be
configured to schedule and activate specified join numbers on this
ActiveCNX Interface.
Non-Ethernet Cresnet Hardware
In the sample program, Classroom 1 is controlled locally by a CN-TVAV—a
Cresnet controller with no Ethernet capabilities. Therefore, an Ethernet-
enabled control system must serve as a bridge from the Cresnet-based
hardware to the Ethernet network. In this case the "bridge" is the head end
control system, but any Ethernet-enabled control system can be used.
There are two ways to enable communication between a CN-TVAV and the
Ethernet network. The first is to program all the logic in the bridge control
system and pass the signals to the CN-TVAV hardware remotely, with no
programming in the CN-TVAV itself. Such a program is difficult to
maintain, however, and requires a great deal of repetition.
The second, preferred, method involves the following:
1. Program a “Destination” ActiveCNX Interface for the CN-
TVAV, as well as a “Source” ActiveCNX Interface for each
local source, into the bridge control system (in this case the head
end CNMSX-Pro). The ActiveCNX controls are given IP IDs
and entries in the IP Table that reference the IP Address of the
CNX Gateway, as usual.
2. Route the signals from each ActiveCNX Interface to the CN-
TVAV through an ISC symbol on Slot 5 of the CN-TVAV. In
this way the signals can be manipulated locally.
Programmer’s Guide
e-Schedule – DOC. 5919