Professional Video Distribution Switch
Professional Video Distribution Switch: CNX-PVID8x4
Operations Guide - DOC. 8166A
Expanded PRO2 System Tree
C2Net Device Slot in Configuration Manager
To incorporate a CNX-PVID8x4 into the system, drag the CNX-PVID8x4 from the
Cresnet Control Modules | Cresnet Video Modules folder of the
Device Library
drop it in
System Views
. The PRO2 system tree displays the CNX-PVID8x4 in Slot
9, with a default Net ID of
as shown in the following illustration.
SIMPL Windows provides three separate symbols for the CNX-PVID8x4,
each one intended for a particular system configuration. Select the appropriate one to
be placed in
System Views.
Refer to “CNX-PVID8x4 Symbols” on page 23 for
details about each symbol.
The first CNX-PVID8x4 in a system is preset with a Net ID of
when its
symbol is dragged into the upper pane of
System Views
. Additional units are assigned
different Net ID numbers as they are added.
C2Net Device, Slot 9
Setting the Net ID in Device Settings
Double-click the CNX-PVID8X4 icon to open the “Device Settings” window. This
window displays the CNX-PVID8X4 device information. If necessary, select the
tab to change the unit’s Net ID, as shown in the following figure.