Using WebCam Control with the WDM driver 3-5
Improving the quality
To improve the quality of video displayed in the Video window, move the Quality slider to the
To achieve higher image quality, the compression rate will be lowered. This means that the
frame rate may be slowed down. Lower image quality will give a higher compression rate.
For capturing still images, higher image quality is preferred. For recording video clips and
videoconferencing, you may lower the image quality so as to achieve a higher frame rate.
The default value for this setting is 0.5.
Improving the
Image Quality
This section consists of the following sub-sections:
Camera Control settings
Image settings
To adjust the settings
If you are using Video Blaster WebCam Control
On the top panel of WebCam Control, click the Source icon.
The Source Properties dialog box appears.
Camera Control
Each of the following sub-sections describes a setting that is found on the Camera Control
tabbed page of the Source Properties dialog box.
To zoom in, move the Zoom slider to the right.
To zoom out, move the Zoom slider to the left.
Zooming is available for sizes smaller than 640x480.