B-1.1) Submergence:
It is recommended that the pump be operated in the
Continuous Duty Submergence condition and the sump
liquid level should never be less than the Minimum Sub-
mergence Level (See Fig. 1). The time required to draw
the well down from top of the motor to the minimum sub-
mergence level should not be greater than 15 minutes.
NOTE: Outer shaft seal must be in liquid when motor is
operated, whether motor is submerged or in air.
B-2) Discharge:
Discharge piping should be as short as possible. Both
a check valve and a shut-off valve are recommended
for each pump being used. The check valve is used to
prevent backflow into the sump. Excessive backflow can
cause flooding and/or damage to the pump. The shut-off
valve us used to stop system flow during pump or check
valve servicing.
WARNING! These pumps are suitable for
application in Class 1, Division 1, Groups C
a non-sparking break away fitting. Failure to
use the non-sparking BAF voids warranty.
BARNES Pumps manufactures a break away fit dis-
charge system designed to allow the submersible waste-
water pump to be installed or removed without requiring
personnel to enter the wet well. Place the Break Away
Fitting 9BAF) in position. Temporarily secure the guide
rails in the upper mounting brackets and locate the base
elbow with grout and/or shims. Install the intermediate
support brackets, if required. Make sure the rails are in
true vertical position so the pump will clear the access
opening and will slide freely down the rails into place on
the discharge base elbow. Once the rails are in proper
alignment, bolt the base elbow into the floor of the station
and connect the discharge pipe to the elbow. Connect
the movable portion and other supplied fittings of the
BAF onto the pump and lower into wet well. See the
Break Away Fitting manual for more information.
A 3” Pipe Spool Kit is recommended for use of a
3x3 BAF with 18 frame NGVH, NGVHH, XGVH, XGVHH.