Automatic Tool Enable in Open Protocol
This setting will force TCI to automatically enable tool when previous result has been acknowledged. This
should be disabled in systems, which prefer to send Enable Tool after each result.
Open Protocol Variant
This setting controls which variant of Open Protocol should be used as different plants use the Open Protocol
standard in slightly different ways. Variant 2 also changes some underlying functionality of the TCI. With this
variant, first 5 jobs cannot be edited by the web page. Custom messages and message fields will be enabled
(MID0061, MID0029)
Loosening / Rehit Report
This setting controls if TCI should report Loosening and Rehit results. Loosening result will only be reported if
Job direction is set to Auto and the result direction was CCW. Rehit result will only be reported if WSM detects
Double Hit and saves result in memory (using Enabled with Rehit result store option of Double Hit). Loosening
and Rehit will be reported via Tightening Status field in MID0061.