Rem, dose to individual member of the public
0.1 Rem per year.
Safety Plan
As part of the license, each organization must have a Radiation
Safety Plan that describes procedures to be followed and what
to do in case of; fire, theft, and/or accident.
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
The licensee must designate some person in the organization as
the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The RSO is the contact point
for the regulatory agency to see that the regulations are
followed. The RSO is the person in the organization responsible
to see that safe practices are followed and that the proper
records are maintained. Designating an RSO does not relieve
the owner/officers of the ultimate responsibility.
Notice to Employees
A “Notice to Employees” is a document issued by the
regulatory agency. Normally safety problems would be
reported to the organization’s Radiation Safety Officer or a
manager. This document contains addresses and/or telephone
numbers for employees to contact if they are not satisfied with
the organization’s response.