Powering the Gauge On
Use the ON/YES key to power the gauge on. When the gauge
is powered on the CPN Elite will go through the following Self-
Test screens:
Self-Test will take approximately 15 seconds and checks for
proper operation of the keypad, density and moisture
detectors, and the High Voltage. Place the gauge on the
standard block during self-test.
The Gauge will go to the Ready display after a successful Self-
Test. If a failure is detected during Self-Test, one or all of the
following messages will display on the screen.
Keypad Test Failed
- This indicates a faulty keypad or a
stuck key. Pressing any key on the keypad during this test
will display this error. If a key is pressed by mistake during
this test, simply restart the gauge by powering off and then
on again. However, if the error is displayed again, contact
your InstroTek representative.
He-3 Tube Failure
- If the gauge is on the reference
standard block during self-test, then there is a potential
problem with the electronics or the He-3 tube. If the gauge
is not on the reference standard block, place it on the
reference standard block and repeat this test. Contact
your InstroTek representative if this error is repeated;
GM tube failure
- This indicates if one or both GM tubes are
not operational. Contact your InstroTek representative.
CPN Elite
Version: #. ##
High Voltage Test