P/N 62617059
3.23.4 - 80/80 split
system: available
Some of the most commonly used
accessories for installing the split
vent 80/80 flue gas discharge/air
intake system are listed below (the
number after the P/N is used to refer
to the part in the following drawings)
62617086 - N°42 - 3ft (1000 mm) M/
F extention in white
painted aluminium;
62617058 - N°18 - 90° elbow M/F in
white painted aluminium;
62617059 – 45° elbow M/F in
aluminium, white
61302003 – intake grid in stainless
61302011 - N° 29 - Stainless steel
roof terminal
61302004 - N° 30 - Horizontal
discharge terminal
62617098 - N° 38 - T fitting in stainless
62617157 - N° 35 - condensation trap
60702011 - N° 48 - silicone washer
P/N 60702011
P/N 62617098
P/N 62617157
P/N 61302011
P/N 61302003
P/N 62617086
any other building openings (doors,
windows, etc.) Do not place vent
terminal where flue products can
cause corrosion.
CAUTION!!! All venting
MUST be secured with screws,
and MUST be sealed from flue
or air leakage, see figure 13.
discharge vent temperature is
above 250°F (121°C) while
functioning, therefore it is
essential that a thermal
insulation protection sheath be
used in the wall opening.
P/N 61302004
P/N 62617058