Instructions for Obtaining Warranty Repair Service or Aftermarket Non-Warranty
Repair Service:
To arrange for CORE™ Outdoor Power product warranty or aftermarket repair
Before returning a non-functioning CORE™ GasLess™ tool to a CORE™
Authorized Service Center for service, please first determine if the
difficulty is potentially due to: 1) a non-functional Power Cell, or 2) a
non-functional Power Cell charger, or 3) a non-functional
. To
make such determination, first bring your CORE™ GasLess™ tool
along with, your Power Cell[s] and Power Cell charger to a local
authorized CORE™ Outdoor Power products dealer, for inspection
and determination as to whether it is your Power Cell or Power Cell
charger, and / or the GasLess™ tool that is not functioning properly.
Do NOT ship your Power Cells for delivery to a local
authorized dealer or to a CORE™ Authorized Service Center, as the
Lithium-ion Power Cells are restricted and regulated under Dangerous
Goods Transport codes and require specialized protective packaging,
marking, labeling, and shippers declarations to be safely and legally
transported by commercial carriers. Additional note: As of the time of
the writing of this warranty statement the US and Canadian Postal
Services do not accept for transport CORE™ Power Cells or for that
matter, any lithium batteries.
Note: The CORE™ GasLess™ tool will not operate properly, if:
The Power Cell is discharged and / or dysfunctional, and / or;
If the Power Cell charger is non-functional so as to not be able to
provide a recharge to a discharged but otherwise fully functional
Power Cell.
Your local authorized CORE™ Outdoor Power products dealer should
be able to readily assess which, if any, of the CORE™ GasLess™ tool
system’s components is non-functional [that is, either: A) Your Power
Cell: B) Your Power Cell charger: C) Your CORE™ GasLess™ tool]. Be
sure to bring a copy of your Valid Proof of Original Purchase with you
so as to allow the dealer to determine the applicability of your
warranty coverage period.