Basic step for wifi setup
First connect your wifi device and computer to the switch or router using the
network cable.
Please note: the default ip address is (
The LAN ip address of your device is:
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Now you have to manually assign your computer LAN ip address.
To do this, please right click on my network places icon located on your desktop then click on properties.
Now right click local area connection, then click on properties.
Under local area connection screen in the general tab, click on internet protocol (tcp/ip) then click on
On internet protocol (tcp/ip) properties, click on use the following ip address and assign the following
address below.
Your computer ip address should be:
Ip address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
After completing all of the steps above, you’re now ready to configure your wifi.
First you need to launch your internet explorer only (not compatible with firefox browser)
Clear out the address bar than type the following ip address in your address bar (
It will display the login screen, before you login
please install the ocx plugin first
Login name: admin
Password: admin
Once you login successfully, please click the network setup on the left off your screen.
Now click on wireless nic to configure and input your router information.
On the wireless nic tab
1. Enter your router ESSID (router name)
2. Select encrypt (input your security code for your router)
3. Wep key (input your security key to gain access to the router)
4. Choose the options (use specific ip)
5. Input your ip address: xxx xxx xxx xxx
6. Netmask: xxx xxx xxx xxx
7. Default gateway: xxx xxx xxx xxx
8. After filling in your entire router information, click ok then click on reboot tab to your left.
9. Once your device is rebooted, please give it 45 seconds before disconnecting the network cable.
You are now able to access your device wirelessly, through the ip address you have assigned.