SuperDVR & TDF Cards
Appendix 3.2.6 Why can’t I select P.T.Z device’s protocol?
Users should first select ‘Enable’ to enable the P.T.Z. (refer to Fig4.15)
and check if the protocol needed is available or not in this folder: C:\Program
files\SuperDVR\protocol Files. (C:\Program files\SuperDVR is the default
installation path, users may select other paths to install the driver, and then
turn to the paths). The file names are the same as protocol name, for example,
PelcoP.dll, PelcoD.dll and so on.
Appendix 3.2.7 What are the byte rates for different image
qualities from highest to normal?
When on PAL system and the frame rate is 25 fps, bitrate for the highest
image quality is about 120K Byte/s, and for the lowest image quality is about
30K Byte/s.
Appendix 3.2.8 The frame rate seems to be smaller than what I
There is frame loss in image switch, therefore the real record frame rate
is about 50% smaller than the theoretic value.
Appendix 3.2.9 Why can’t I select more channels to backup?
Please draw the mouse in the channel selection area, or utilize Shift and
Ctrl key for assistance.
Appendix 3.2.10 When should I select manual Gain Control?
In case the video signal is seriously decreasing, and the color images
turn to black and white, use manual gain control may of help.
Appendix 3.3 How to Use Network Function