Operator’s Manual: Bean Tender-Swing Conveyor (BTS)
Revised 02.2019
Congratulations on your choice of a Convey-All™ Bean Tender to complement your seed delivery system in your
agricultural operation. This equipment has been designed and manufactured to exceed the exacting standards
for such equipment in the agricultural industry and will keep your seed delivery operation working at optimum
The tender may be shown mounted on a trailer. The tender and trailer are separate equipment.
Keep this manual handy for frequent reference and to pass on to new operators or owners. Call your Convey-
All Industries Inc, dealer or distributor if you need assistance, information or additional/replacement copies, or a
digital copy of this manual.
Information provided herein is of a descriptive nature. Convey-All Industries Inc. reserves the right to modify the
machinery design and specifications provided herein without any preliminary notice.
Performance quality may depend on the material being handled, weather conditions and other factors.
The directions left, right, front and rear, as mentioned throughout this manual, are as seen from the tow vehicle
drivers’ seat and facing the direction of travel. The Conveyor faces forward with the pivot railing on the left-hand
side, during transportation.
Always give your dealer the serial number of your bean tender when ordering parts or requesting service or other
information. The tender’s serial number is located on the rear leg of the tender.
Please mark the number in the space provided for
easy reference.
Bean Tender Model No: ________________________
Bean Tender Serial No: ________________________
Engine Model No: ________________________
Engine Serial No: ________________________
Fig 1 - Serial Number Location