Operator’s Manual: Bean Tender-Swing Conveyor (BTS)
3.5.1 Install on a Truck or Trailer:
The bean tender may be shipped from the factory
as an individual unit, or mounted on a custom built
If the tender is to be installed onto a truck or trailer
after leaving the factory; that vehicle must have
sufficient load capacity and be equipped with electric
To install the tender onto a vehicle:
1. Clear the area of bystanders, especially small
2. Use a forklift, crane or hoist with adequate
capacity to lift the machine.
3. Use the centre cross-frame when lifting. Be sure
to keep the frame balanced.
or, use the fork lift pockets if available.
4. Lift frame and move over truck/trailer frame.
5. Set down on deck.
6. Install the anchor bolts at each corner of the
3.5.2 Install 3-Stage Downspout:
1. Clear the area of bystanders, especially small
2. Remove the clamp. Cut 4 slits into the end of the
corrugated section. This will allow it to slide over
the discharge.
3. Slide a clamp over the corrugated end of the
4. Slide the tube, with clamp, over the discharge
until it is seated firmly.
5. Tightening the clamp.
6. Install the storage cradle hook on the second
return roller from the top end of the conveyor.
7. Stow the Downspout in the storage cradle.
Fig 30 - Trailer anchor bolts
Fig 31 - 3-Stage downspout with clamp
Fig 32 - Downspout fastened to discharge
Fig 33 - Clamp and store