Operator’s Manual: Bean Tender-Swing Conveyor (BTS)
Fig 44 - BTS-295
• Be sure the trailer is always securely attached
to the towing vehicle. Use a mechanical retainer
through the hitch. Ensure the safety chain, lighting
harness and Break-Away emergency cable are all
securely connected.
• Always maintain weight on the hitch to prevent
upending. Load the front compartment first. Unload
the rear compartment first.
• Swing the conveyor into the best possible position
for convenient and easy unloading.
• Always listen for any unusual sounds or noises. If
any are heard, stop the machine and determine the
source. Correct the problem before resuming work.
• Never allow anyone into the workplace hazard
area. If anyone enters, stop immediately. The visitor
must leave before resuming work.
• For best results, conveyor belt should rotate at a
speed of 400 to 500 ft/min.
• Do not run the machine for long periods of time
with no material on the belting. This increases the
wear. Try to run only when moving material.
• The conveyor hopper is designed with flashing
to seal the junction of the belt with the sides of
the hopper. It must be kept in good condition
to prevent the material from “leaking” out of the
hopper. Replace flashing if “leakage” occurs.