Immediately after the engine begins to run, the module will enter the “Safety Bypass” period. This
time period is typically set to 10 seconds and is programmable. During this period, any engine
parameter set to be monitored as RUN will be ignored until the bypass period is passed, at which
point the safeties will become active. If any engine or system safeties are set to be monitored as
ALWAYS, they will be active as soon as the control panel is powered up regardless of the engine’s run
state. This bypass does not apply to the engine’s ECU safeties. The status line will change to show
Engine Safeties ACTIVE briefly when the module begins monitoring the parameters.
Once the engine has been running for a time that exceeds the safety bypass period, all controller
programmed engine safeties that are set to be monitored during engine run will become active. The
control will display engine oil pressure, engine coolant temperature, engine speed, battery voltage,
engine hours and fuel level if a fuel level sender is installed. Up to eight parameters can be shown at
one time. The selections are configurable.