Controller's Data Screen.
Selection of "CONTROLLER'S DATA" from the main menu
displays monthly and weekly average power factor (from the last
power startup) and also real time power factor. In addition, at the
bottom line you can see which capacitors are connected and which
ones are disconnected. In case of fault one of the following
messages appears:
Low Current" – Appears in case of measured current is lower
than in the allowed "Working range" definitions.
"High THD" - Appears in cases of measured current\voltage
THD is higher than in the allowed "Working range" definitions.
"Volt Range Error" - Appears in cases of measured voltage is
lower\higher than in the allowed "Working range" definitions.
"Capacity Load" - Appears in cases of the system is turned to
"Need More Capacitors" – Appears in cases of all the capacitors
are ON, however the desirable Set Point is unreachable.
Figure 2.2 – Data Screen