CAB-110S/CAB-135S Art. 10115105/10115106
window replacement
Remove the old window by pulling the window molding. Install the window molding in the
window opening by fitting the narrow slit of the molding over the metal edge of the opening.
The molding ends should meet in the middle of the straight section of the opening.
Molding should be compressed so the ends are tightly sealed. Working from the front, install
the view window into the wide slit of the molding.
Picture 5.2.5
. Window
gasket replacement
5.2.5 Window gasket replacement
Replace the window frame gasket and cabinet window opening gasket at the first sign
of media leakage around the view window, or if gaskets appear damaged.
Check the gaskets when changing the view window. Remove the viewing window and
window frame per Section 5.2.4. Remove all the old gasket material and clean the surfaces
of the cabinet and window frame.
Peel a short section of adhesive backing from the 3x15 mm strip gasket, and adhere
the gasket to the center of the top edge of the window opening as shown in Picture 9. Peel
additional backing as needed, and work the strip around the radius of each comer, pressing
it tightly to bond. Trim the gasket to fit and compress the ends to seal.