CAB-110S/CAB-135S Art. 10115105/10115106
Picture 4.3.3
. Metering valve adjustment
Adjusting Screw
holes fully open
holes fully closed
Observe media flow through the clear media hose. Media should flow smoothly
and evenly through the hose. If the air exiting the nozzle pulses or if media does not flow
smoothly, the metering valve requires adjusting.
To adjust loosen the locking nut, and adjust the metering screw until the hole in the
metering stem is half-closed.
If pulsation occurs in the media hose, either media is damp and caked, or not enough
air is entering the media stream. While blasting, loosen the locking nut and slowly turn the
adjusting screw out (counter clockwise when viewed from the top) until the media flows
smoothly. Tighten the locking nut to maintain the setting. If media flow is too light, decrease
air in the mixture by turning the metering screw in (clockwise when viewed from the top)
covering more of the hole so less air enters the media hose. Tighten the locking nut to
maintain the setting.
4.3.4 Reclaimer static pressure
Correct static pressure varies with size of reclaimer and the size, weight and type of
media. Adjust reclaimer static pressure by opening (handle horizontal) or closing (handle
vertical) the damper on the dust collector inlet.
If the damper is not opened enough, the reclaimer will not remove fines, resulting
in dusty media, poor visibility, and possible media blockage in the conveying hose. If the
damper is opened too far, it may cause carryover (usable media carried into the dust
collector) and result in excessive media consumption. Open only as far as necessary to
obtain a balance of dust removal without media carryover.