Special Programs
The Contour Core Sculpting System also offers two special muscle training
programs. Its objective is to prepare muscle for explosive or to facilitate
recovery after active muscle training and competition:
• Potentiation
• Active Recovery
Potentiation (Warm-up) Program
The Contour Core Sculpting System Potentiation (Warm-up) Program
produces the physiological muscle phenomenon know as “Twitch
potentiation”. A specific system of stimulation increases the amplitude
and the speed of the elementary muscle twitch response of muscle fibers,
most particularly of fast fibers. A potentiated muscle gains in velocity and
reaches its maximum strength more easily and rapidly.
Active Recovery Program
The Contour Core Sculpting System Active Recovery program
produces muscle twitches at a very low frequency. Those twitches act like a
massage and induce up to a 5 times local increase in blood flow to
the muscle, versus what the heart does naturally on its own. They are
responsible for a faster reduction of the lactic acid blood level (up to a 200%
greater reduction than mere rest) and they accelerate the exchanges between
muscle fibers and blood, working to speed the muscle repair process.
Consequently, the stimulated muscles recuperate better from exercise and
fatigue and the athlete has a feeling of relaxation and muscle lightness. This type
of recovery program is recommended after intense training sessions and
competitions. It is particularly useful after sports requiring long duration efforts,
combining endurance and resistance (cycling, marathon, triathlon, mountain-
bike, etc.). The same is applicable to sports that require shorter, very intense
efforts (basketball, soccer, football).
The Active Recovery program has specific exercise levels for blood flow,
endorphin release and muscle relaxation.
Blood Flow-
(Need more detail here)
Endorphin Release-
(Need more detail here)
Muscle Relaxation-
(Need more detail here)