10. General Descriptions
This product is not a common alarm system. The GSM/GPS function increase the functional
scope and thus also complexity. In the following, the most important items that you should
know and observe when using the product are noted.
• These instructions assume the functional scope at the time of initial delivery. The option of
the firmware update may add new functions via the USB interface.
• All text message answer examples are to be understood symbolically. Actual implementation
may vary. The examples should only show the information to be expected, their format and
10.1 Product Status and Mode
The alarm system functions of the product have only two operating modes:
„ALARM ENABLE“ (alarm activated)
To get to this mode, use the right button on the remote control, the text message command
„ALARM ENABLE“ and, depending on configuration, e.g. a call.
Whether or not the alarm is active can be seen by the external ALARM LED at the latest. If it
neither flashes nor is lit, the product cannot be in the alarm state.
Only in this mode can the product send text messages independently and without any
customer interaction, and perform a recall depending on configuration.
This only takes place when an activated alarm source recognises an alarm incident (vibration,
too-low external voltage, switching inputs, etc.). Only in this case, all phone numbers in the
device phonebook (not that of the SIM card) will receive the corresponding alarm text
The phone number for a recall must be configured separately in the corresponding command.
Transfer to this mode is signalled with the following sound signal using the external speaker:
1/4 s sound low —> 1/4 s sound high