Vpot-30 iPBX
- System Manual
The Called number can refer to the original called number in a forwarded call. e.g. A
call to mobile phone and the mobile phone has forwarded to X200E server, the called
number here is the mobile phone number. If the mobile phone number is in the list, this
call will direct to the associated extension or ring group.
DISA Authentication
DISA Authentication uses incoming caller ID to identify the caller. Each extension can
setup up to 20 caller ID.
Export SMDR
Export SMDR will save the new SMDR to an archive file with filename as “smdr-
yymmdd-hhmmss.tar.gz” prior to the last export. Where yymmdd-hhmmss is the current
date and time.
Figure 42: DID by Called Number
Figure 43: DISA Authentication