The PP 110/01x board is capable of monitoring the temperature of the board and the processor
chip, the levels of the main power supply voltage rails, the status of a system fan and the board’s
Geographic Address (effectively its CompactPCI bus slot number). These sensors can be
configured to generate events when, for example, the temperature of the processor chips
exceeds a previously configured value. Sensor Data Records are used to contain information
pertaining to sensors.
Sensor Data Records
Sensor Data Records (SDRs) are used to describe the configuration and characteristics of
sensors and can also be used to describe the operating characteristics of the Intelligent Platform
Management Device. These Sensor Data Records are stored in a repository held in non-volatile
memory. The PP 110/01x board is supplied with 10 preconfigured SDRs.
Field Replaceable Unit Inventory Data
The Field Replacement Unit (FRU) Inventory Data is stored in non-volatile memory and allows
the System Management Software to determine the identity of Intelligent Platform Management
devices in the system. Typically this data comprises the manufacturer’s name, board name, part
number, serial number, etc.
The Watchdog function allows the System Management Software to protect the system from
errant programs. For example, a critical program taking 3 seconds to complete may set the
watchdog to expire in 5 seconds. If the watchdog expires then the system management
software can take the appropriate corrective action.
PP 110/01x
Intelligent Platform Manager Interface
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