RemoTes LIsTed FRom sWITChboaRd
Switchboard is a free service that Comrex provides. If you do not have an account set up with us, please contact us
at [email protected] or 978.764.1776 / 1.800.237.1776. To learn more about Switchboard and why you should
be using it, visit the section
Swichboard Traversal Server (TS) on page 59
Comrex highly recommends that you utilize our Switchboard server in conjunction with your audio codecs. When
your audio codecs have been added to your Switchboard account and placed in a contact list, those codecs will
populate automatically in the device’s Remotes list once it is powered up and registered with Switchboard. This
makes connections for broadcasts quick and easy.
Units that are added from your Switchboard contact list will show up in the Remotes list with a grey background as
shown above.
CoNNeCTINg aNd dIsCoNNeCTINg To RemoTes
To connect and disconnect remotes, select the device in the remotes list and select the
button to establish
a connection or the
button to disconnect the connection.
Incoming connections are displayed by their IP address, or, if also configured as outgoing connections, by their
names. Incoming POTS connections are displayed as “incoming”.
Summary of Contents for ACCESS 2USB
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