Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/16/99 11:59 PM
File name: Wombat_RefGuide_final_0810
Send e-mail remotely
In addition to exchanging e-mail messages with your desktop computer,
you can send and receive mail from a remote mail server by setting up an
e-mail account with an Internet service provider (ISP).
: If you are setting up an ISP, the ISP must use a POP3 mail server
and an SMTP mail gateway.
You need a modem for your device for dial-up connections. You also
need to set up the remote connection on your device using the
Connections program.
Set up remote mail
You can use multiple mail services to receive your mail. For each mail
service you intend to use, first set up and name the mail service. If you use
the same service to connect to different mailboxes, set up and name each
mailbox connection.
In Inbox on your device, tap Compose
Options, the Services tab, then
the Add button. A setup wizard guides you through the steps.
Inbox Options Screen
The software for creating an ISP connection is already installed on your