Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/16/99 11:59 PM
File name: Wombat_RefGuide_final_0810
The Aero 1500 Series stores your personal information, data you have
entered, and third-party applications you have installed, in the device’s
RAM (random access memory). However, a power loss or other
disruption of power can cause your data to be lost. You can back up and
restore your device's data using the following utilities:
ActiveSync Backup/Restore. Use this ActiveSync utility to
periodically back up your device's data onto your desktop computer’s
hard drive. You can manually back up data or set this utility to back
up automatically each time you connect to your Palm-size PC. For
more information, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop PC.
CF Backup/Restore. This utility, preinstalled on your Aero 1500
Series, lets you back up and restore your entire Palm-size PC memory
contents to a CompactFlash storage card (purchased separately). You
can then carry a CompactFlash card–based copy of your data with you
at all times for quick retrieval.
: To avoid losing your data in the event that your Palm-size PC is
lost, stolen, or becomes defective, Compaq recommends periodic backups
to the desktop computer or a CompactFlash card. Depending on your
usage, you may want to perform a backup as often as once a day.
This chapter describes the following features:
using CF Backup/Restore
backing up data to a CF card
restoring data from a CF card