Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/16/99 11:59 PM
File name: Wombat_RefGuide_final_0810
Battery Disposal
Because of the type of batteries used in your Aero 1500 Series, follow
local regulations regarding the safe disposal of batteries. Your Compaq
vendor can advise you on local regulations, and/or the existence of any
battery disposal programs in operation.
In North America, dispose of lithium-ion batteries by taking advantage of
the Compaq battery recycling program. You will be provided with a
postage-paid battery pack mailer preaddressed to a reclamation facility
where the metals are recycled.
Batteries/battery packs and accumulators should not be disposed of
together with the general household waste. In order to forward them to
recycling or proper disposal, please use the public collection system or
return them to Compaq, your authorized Compaq partners, or their agents.
Some important points to remember are:
There is a danger of explosion and risk of personal injury if the battery
is incorrectly replaced or mistreated.
Do not attempt to disassemble the battery, immerse it in water or
dispose of it in fire.
Replace only with the battery designated for this product.
Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.