FTP Service Device
This is a device that provides FTP (File Transfer Profile) service.
GN Service Device
This is a device that provides GN (Group Ad-hoc Network) service as a part of PAN (Personal Area Networking Profile) service.
LAP Service Device
This is a device that provides LAP (LAN Access Profile) service.
NAP Service Device
This is a device that provides NAP (Network Access Point) service as a part of PAN (Personal Area Networking Profile) service.
OPP Service Device
This is a device that provides OPP (Object Push Profile) service.
Security Settings
There are four security settings: Office, Mobile, Home, and Other.
Discoverability Mode
This setting determines whether My Device can be discovered by other Bluetooth devices.
Connectability Mode
This setting determines whether My Device can be connected to by other Bluetooth devices in response to a connection request.
Security Mode
This setting determines whether authentication is performed when connecting to a remote Bluetooth device, and whether data sent
and received is encrypted.
Service Update
This function is used to search for and update information on services provided by a connected remote Bluetooth device.
Auto Connect
- For a COM service, the program using COM is started and a connection is established with the connection registered Bluetooth
device using the Serial Port Profile.
- For a DUN service, Dial-up Networking is started and a connection is established with the connection registered Bluetooth device
using the Dial-up Networking Profile.
Connection Registration
This function is used to register an automatic connection.
Device Name
This is the name of a Bluetooth device. It can be a maximum of 248 bytes (after UTF-8 code conversion).
Connection Status
This displays the current connection status (Connected, Discovered, or Ghost) of Bluetooth devices.
Device Address
This is the unique address given to each Bluetooth Card.
Device Class
This indicates the type of Bluetooth device (desktop computer, cell phone, etc.). A Bluetooth Card is categorized as a PDA.
This is the process of confirming an authentication password to allow a remote Bluetooth device to connect to My Device. If the
authentication passwords on both devices do not match, the connection is refused.
These are the following types of authentication:
Bluetooth authentication......... This is requested when trying to establish a Bluetooth connection with a remote device. You must
enter the Bluetooth passkey to connect.
OPP authentication.................... This is requested when trying to connect to a remote device to send all contacts by OPP service.
You must enter the OPP password.
FTP authentication..................... This is requested when trying to connect to a remote device to start FTP service. You must enter the
FTP password.
Authentication Status
For remote devices that have performed Bluetooth authentication,
is displayed. For unauthenticated devices,
Service Name
This indicates the type of service (profile) provided by a Bluetooth device.
PIN Code
This is a password of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Depending on the remote device, the PIN Code might be a fixed value with a limit on the number of digits, so be sure to confirm
these conditions.
It is also called a Bluetooth passkey.