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Operator’s handbook
2.1 Transport warnings
ATTENTION! before transporting the pro-
duct carefully read all the information on
weights and on product lifting methods.
2.2 Installation warnings
ATTENTION! before installing the product
read all the information related to this ope-
Carefully follow the minimum manoeuvring di-
stances set by the manufacturer for the specifi c
machine model.
Before connecting the machine to the electrical
mains check the adequacy of the voltage and
amperage and of the power line protection sy-
stems, as per the specifi c product requirements.
ATTENTION! If there is an earthing so-
cket, carefully check the continuity of the
earthing system between the machine and
the ground of the electrical system. It is
extremely important for operator safety.
The machines without an earthing socket are
made with double insulated electrical compo-
Carefully follow the operation ergonomics.
If required, connect the machine to an effective
extraction system.
The machines must be installed in a closed
environment and can operate at a temperature
between 15 and 35°C. They must not be expo-
sed to direct water jets, rain or strong sunlight.
Provide suitable lighting.
The machine must not be used near fl ammable
liquids or gases and in any case in the presence
of potentially explosive atmospheres.
The fl oor near the machine must be clean and
fl at. If the operator falls near the machine there
may be very serious consequences.
The work surface, unless specifi ed otherwise,
should be about 90 cm from the fl oor.
Make sure that you choose an area with adequa-
te lighting.
ATTENTION! Place the machine on a fl at
surface and secure it to prevent accidental
tipping or falls.
2.3 Individual safety guard
E’ obbligatorio utilizzare:
Working gloves for handling materials and tools.
Safety goggles (D.L. no 277 dd 15.08.91 and
Regulations 80/605 and 88/642 CEE).
Headsets, ear plugs or sound-proof helmet.
Avoid wearing working garments with wide slee-
Remove rings, bracelets and wrist-watch.
2.4 Warnings for proper use of the
ATTENTION! check that the product com-
plies with the characteristics contained in
the manual, any missing equipment (in
terms of the manual or sales documents)
must be reported immediately to the ma-
nufacturer. It is forbidden to use the machi-
ne in these conditions.
ATTENTION! check that the product com-
plies with the characteristics contained in
the manual, damage of any kind on the
product should be reported to the manu-
facturer. It is forbidden to use the machine
in these conditions.
ATTENTION! before starting work on the
machine, the operator must be trained
properly by experienced staff, in complian-
ce with all the information contained in this
manual. This manual should always be
available to the operator.
ATTENTION! do not remove any safety
guard or part of the machine.
ATTENTION! Only the materials for which
the machine was designed must be proces-
ATTENTION! the operator’s clothing must
be suitable for the type of work and in
particular: Dangling items at the wrists and
neck must not be worn (bracelets, neckla-
ces, scarves and so forth). There is a se-
rious risk of dragging and entanglement.
ATTENTION! check that the tool is not