I'm not getting on the Internet (wireless)
Check to be sure that the Wi-Fi light is on.
Does your connection utility discover your wireless LAN? If you turned off "Broadcast SSID"
you need to manually enter the name of your wireless LAN in the connection utility.
Change your security mode to "disabled." Enable one of the other security modes as soon as
you find the problem.
My wireless Internet connection stops working
This is usually caused by interference. Two common sources are 2.4GHz "remote"
telephones and microwave ovens. If you cannot remove the interfering product, try using a
different channel or setting Protected Mode.
I can get on the Internet, but everything is slow
If the website you are visiting is very popular, that site may be having trouble servicing all
the requests. If other sites download quickly, wait for a few minutes and try again. Usage
during peak hours may also affect the connection speed.
Other communications on the LAN, or interference with wireless connections, may slow
down the connection.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
Touchstone DG6450 Data Gateway User Guide DRAFT Revision 2.5