6.2 Secure the pass-through cable slack, as shown.
6.3 Strip the input fiber cable
6.4 Degrease the fiber bundle and slide the
transportation tubes over the fibers with overlap
6.5 Route the transparent tubes to the tray entrance, as
6.6 Secure the transportation tube at the tray entrance
with two tie wraps.
Note: Maximum two transportation tubes per tray
Splicing and fiber storage
7.1 Position the closure close to the splicing machine in a
convenient location and secure the closure
7.2 Slide the heat-shrinkable splice protection over one
fiber and fuse fibers according to local
recommendations and procedures. After the fusion
splice is made, install the heat-shrinkable splice
protection (e.g. SMOUV) with an appropriate heating
source. Allow the splice protection to cool down to
ambient temperature.
# 1
# 1
100 mm
50 mm