10 - eCOMM Terminal User Guide
Common Tasks
1. From the Home screen, press Options,
enter your admin password and tap OK
2. Tap the Reports button
All Reports will be printed out via the till
roll. The following common tasks are all
available in the Reports Section:
Reprint Last Invoice
This reprints the most recent receipt,
the details of which are displayed on the
screen. Choose Print to reprint on till roll
or Cancel to dismiss.
Reprint by Invoice
To reprint a specific receipt, enter the
relevant invoice number (this is a 6 digit
number printed on the receipt) into the
box and press the Reprint button. The
receipt details are displayed on screen,
press Print to print out on till roll.
Print Audit Today
This shows what is in the current batch
of transactions, that will be sent for
processing when you use the Settle
command. Transactions shown here can
be voided, without the need for making
a refund. If the terminal has been used a
lot, you will want to allow some time for
this report to fully print.
Print All Audit
This prints the totals in the current
batch. The terminal prints the
transaction count & total amount from
the current batch. Transactions are
grouped by transaction type and issuer.
When printed, the screen will revert to
the Reports page.
Print Audit by Date
This prints the totals for the date
range selected. Select a start date
and end date from the datepicker
and then tap the Print button.
Transactions are grouped by
transaction type and issuer.