Turn the Gain Control of the Oticon Amigo FM-CI adaptor to the position “1”.
Preparing the Sound Processor
Turn off the Sound Processor.
Open the cover of the Angled Battery Pack by pulling it straight back and lifting upwards.
Carefully insert the Adaptor cord CI-40 into the CS 44 socket on the sound processor and close the cover.
Take note of the position of the sound processor sensitivity control and turn it to the halfway point.
The red dot on the control dial should be approximately at 2 or 3 o´clock.
Fitting Micro Receiver DT20 to the Sound processor
Turn on the sound processor.
Gently turn the sound processor sensitivity control back to the same position noted in step 2d.
Gradually increase the Gain Control of the Oticon Amigo FM-CI adaptor until a comfortable volume level is achieved.
Perform a functional listening evaluation as follows:
Turn off Micro Receiver DT20. Conduct a listening test in quiet, at a Speaker-to-Listener distance of 1 metre.
Turn on Micro Receiver DT20. It automatically turns on in the R-only mode. Repeat the same listening test in quiet, at a Speaker-to-
Listener distance of several metres this time. The CI-user´s speech recognition performance should be almost the same in the both
If not, use either the Programmer DT05 or the Gain Control of the Oticon Amigo FM-CI adaptor to optimize the output level of the
FM-CI adaptor until almost the same performance is obtained.
Note: The R+M mode is recommended to be used in quiet. The R mode provides the user with a good speech recognition performance in