FAULT RESET is pressed
In case the assigned binary input is configured to any control function, the output propagates the state
of the input.
If the ECU is not communicating and all values from ECU show #### the output is not active. If the
ECU communicates the output is active.
ECU PwrRelay
The output closes at the beginning of prestart and opens if the engine shall be stopped.
ECU YellowLamp
The output copies warning information from ECU.
ECU RedLamp
The output copies shutdown information from ECU.
Output signalizes watchdog reset. In a healthy state it blinks at 500ms : 500ms rate. When watchdog
reset occurs, it stops blinking.
Stop Pulse
Output is active for 1 second after
Stop solenoid
output activation. This signal is sent to ECU in case
of engine stop request.
ECU CommError
The output is an inversion of binary output
, i.e. the output is closed when ECU is not
communicating and all values from ECU show #####. Communication error causes stop of the engine.
Analog inputs
Three analog inputs for resistive sensor 0 to 2400
measuring. Each analog input can be adjusted
to convert resistor measured value to displayed value in bar,
C (
F) or %. Warning and shut-down
limits are adjusted in
Engine protection
Since version 2.0 the analog inputs are configurable. Default configuration is:
Oil press
Oil pressure analog input. Default VDO sensor in range 0 to 10.0 bars.
Water temp
Water temperature analog input. Default VDO sensor in range 0 to 100
Fuel level
Fuel level analog input. Default VDO sensor 0-180R = 0-100%
For further information about analog inputs’ configuration see
Analog inputs
InteliLite – MRS10/11/15/16, SW version 2.2, ©ComAp – November 2004 27