alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Output closes if the gen-set under speed alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Start failed
Output closes after the gen-set start-up fails.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Output closes if the generator
*IDMT over current or
current unbalance or
short current alarm activates.
The output opens, if
Alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Battery flat
Output closes when iL performs reset during start procedure (probably due to weak battery).
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
V batt failed
Output closes when battery over/under voltage warning appears.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Common Wrn
Output closes when any warning alarm appears.
The output opens, if
No warning alarm is active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Common Sd
Output closes when any shut-down alarm appears.
The output opens, if
No sd alarm is active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Common Fls
Output closes when any sensor fail alarm appears.
The output opens, if
No warning alarm is active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
InteliLite – MRS10/11/15/16, SW version 2.2, ©ComAp – November 2004 25