On consignment of the machine
When the machine is consigned to the customer, an immediate check
must be performed to ensure all the material mentioned in the shipping
documents have been received and moreover to find out that the
machine has not suffered damage during transportation. If damage
has occurred, get the shipping agent to verify immediately the amount
and nature of the damage suffered and at the same time inform our
claim department. It is only by prompt action of this type that
compensation for damage may be successfully claimed.
This is a floor cleaning machine which, using the mechanic abrasive
action of two rotary brushes and the chemical action of a solution
water-detergent, is able to clean any type of floor, picking up during its
advance movement, the removed dirt and the detergent solution which
has not been absorbed from the floor.
The machine must be used only for such purpose
. We would
impress upon you that any machine will function efficiently and
operate successfully, only if used correctly and maintained in fully
efficient working order. We therefore suggest you to read this
instruction booklet carefully and re-read it whenever difficulties arise in
the course of machine use. Our Service Department is at your disposal
for all such advice and servicing as may prove necessary.
Machine plate