Hand-Gabelhochhubwagen EGV PSL
F 08.01.141
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten
Design changes under reserve
Sous réserve de modifications techniques !
6 Battery
Battery charging
Substituting the battery
To avoid short circuits, batteries with unprotected terminals or connectors should be covered with a
rubber mat. When replacing batteries with lifting tackle the crane should execute a vertical movement so
that the battery tray is not compressed. Hooks are to be attached in such a way that they cannot fall on
the battery cells when the lifting tackle is not tensioned. Where the battery replacement is made with a
battery trolley it must be ensured that the vehicle and trolley are secured against involuntary movement
while the battery is being shifted.
Remove the battery from its retainers; Remove the cables from the battery terminals; Slide out the
battery; Mount the battery following the above instructions in reserve order, fixing in place and connecting
it correctly.
Before assembly check the battery for correct mechanical condition.
Fix the pole terminals safely to the respective end poles + and - of the battery. This is a permanent
connection and shall not be used for continuous changes.
Battery disposal - disposal of waste batteries
Used batteries must be disposed of according to law!
Legal basis for the disposal of the battery on 01.12.2009 Law on the placing on the market, return and
environmentally sound disposal of batteries and accumulators. (Battery-law-BattG)
As a manufacturer of their battery, we are also their waste management companies.
COLUMBUS McKINNON Engineered Products GmbH
Am Silberpark 2-8
86438 Kissing
T49 8233 2121-800
T49 8233 2121-805
Charging the battery
We recommend that the battery is charged after each shift.
The vehicle and charging appliance must be switched off before the plug is removed
from the socket outlet. When charging, the surface of the battery cells must be exposed
so as to provide sufficient ventilation. No metallic objects may be placed on the
Return the key switch to position “off”.
Connect the battery charger to a 230 V mains supply and to the battery using a suitable battery
charge cable. The charging sequence starts automatically.
When the battery is fully charged the battery charger disconnects
the current supply automatically.
Please refer to the separate battery charger operating
instructions. Remove the charge cable. During charging adhere to
the battery manufacturer’s recommendations.
Check weekly the level of the battery electrolyte in the individual
battery cells.
The electrolyte level must be 10 to 15 mm above the cell plates
and is to be replenished with distilled water as required.
When batteries are exchanged do not interchange the battery poles to prevent damage to the electric
Socket-battery charger
Lamp 1 "lift lock" battery is discharged to
80%, lifting will be stopped
Lamp 2 "battery is full"
Lamp 3 "battery is charging"
terminals or connectors should be covered with a
terminals or connectors should be covered with a
the crane should execute a vertical movement so
the crane should execute a vertical movement so
be attached in such a way that they cannot fall on
be attached in such a way that they cannot fall on
ned. Where the battery replacement is made with a
ned. Where the battery replacement is made with a
and trolley are secured against involuntary movement
and trolley are secured against involuntary movement
Remove the battery from its retainers; Remove the cables from the battery terminals; Slide out the
Remove the battery from its retainers; Remove the cables from the battery terminals; Slide out the
ons in reserve order, fixing in place and connecting
ons in reserve order, fixing in place and connecting
for correct mechanical condition.
for correct mechanical condition.
poles + and - of the battery. This is a permanent
poles + and - of the battery. This is a permanent
connection and shall not be used for continuous changes.
connection and shall not be used for continuous changes.
posal of waste batteries
posal of waste batteries
Used batteries must be disposed of according to law!
Used batteries must be disposed of according to law!
Legal basis for the disposal of the battery on 01.12.
Legal basis for the disposal of the battery on 01.12.
2009 Law on the placing on the market, return and
2009 Law on the placing on the market, return and
environmentally sound disposal of batteries
environmentally sound disposal of batteries
and accumulators. (Battery-law-BattG)
and accumulators. (Battery-law-BattG)
As a manufacturer of their battery, we are
As a manufacturer of their battery, we are
also their waste management companies.
also their waste management companies.
COLUMBUS McKINNON Engineered Products GmbH
COLUMBUS McKINNON Engineered Products GmbH
T49 8233 2121-800
T49 8233 2121-800
T49 8233 2121-805
T49 8233 2121-805
Charging the battery
Charging the battery
We recommend that the battery is
We recommend that the battery is
The vehicle and charging appliance must be switched off before the plug is removed
The vehicle and charging appliance must be switched off before the plug is removed
from the socket outlet. When charging, the surf
from the socket outlet. When charging, the surf
so as to provide sufficient ventilation. No metallic objects may be placed on the
so as to provide sufficient ventilation. No metallic objects may be placed on the
Return the key switch to position “off”.
Return the key switch to position “off”.
Connect the battery charger to a 230 V mains supply and to the battery using a suitable battery
Connect the battery charger to a 230 V mains supply and to the battery using a suitable battery
charge cable. The charging sequence starts automatically.
charge cable. The charging sequence starts automatically.
When the battery is fully charged the battery charger disconnects
When the battery is fully charged the battery charger disconnects
the current supply automatically.
the current supply automatically.
Please refer to the separate battery charger operating
Please refer to the separate battery charger operating
instructions. Remove the charge cable. During charging adhere to
instructions. Remove the charge cable. During charging adhere to