Metro (Konica Head)
Wiper Pos:
Define the wiper position.
Capping Enable:
Enable the auto capping functionality.
Auto Capping Time:
Define the auto capping time. When the printer is ideal for the define time
then auto capping process gets started and capped the capping station with the head plate.
Setting Wiping and Capping Height
Using the Setting window, user can set the wipping and capping height by updating values in the Z Clean
Pos and Z Wet Pos list boxes, as shown below:
Fig 65: Setting Wiping and Capping Height
Head Purging
Head purging refers to the method in which heads are cleaned by forcing pressurized ink through the
nozzles. In the printer, head purging buttons for each color are available on the carriage.
Please note that purging button should be pressed only for a second (until few drops of ink come
Fig 66: Displaying the Purging Buttons