A privacy mask can overlap with another privacy mask.
A maximum of 8 privacy masks are programmable for cameras with the pan/tilt support.
• A maximum of 4 privacy masks are programmable for the fixed cameras.
• A maximum of 4 privacy masks can be programmed in a single field of view (FOV).
All privacy masks are rectangular in shape.
The privacy mask color is not user selectable. The privacy mask color codes are:
Green: Editing mode.
Blue: Active mode.
Privacy masks should be made twice as big as the area to be concealed.
Setting privacy masks is not possible if the camera tilt angle is below -43°.
When a single FOV contains over 3 privacy masks, the camera pan angle must be changed be-
tween 71° (for 0° tilt) to 120° (for -43° tilt) before a new privacy mask can be set.
Privacy masks will not conceal intended areas during a Seek Home operation.
Certain operations such as Enable/Disable Mask Edit Mode and Delete All take several seconds
to complete. Do not attempt any other operations until they complete.