2.2.3 Properties Properties (Applies to 3960
The user must be logged in as Admin or Priv. in order to make changes in the Properties tab. The Properties
menu allows user to configure the camera settings.
Click the Setup button.
Click the Properties button.
Day/Night Mode Determines whether the camera will produce a color
image with the IR cut filter in place or a monochrome
image with the IR cut filter removed to provide in
creased sensitivity.
The camera will automatically change between the
color and monochrome modes based on camera gain
level. As the scene illumination decreases, the cam-
era gain will increase to a point where the camera will
change to the monochrome mode, and the IR cut filter
will be removed from the light path. As the scene illu-
mination increases, the camera gain will decrease to a
point where the camera will change to the color mode,
and the IR cut filter will be inserted into the light path.
Note 1
When changing from either color or monochrome
mode to the auto mode there will be approximately
a ten second delay before the automatic mode is en-
Note 2
Auto Day/Night mode requires that the shutter mode
also be in Auto mode. If the shutter mode is not al-
ready in auto mode, selecting auto Day/Night mode
will force the shutter into the auto mode.
The camera will remain in the color mode regardless
of the camera gain level
The camera will remain in the monochrome mode re-
gardless of the camera gain level.
Determines the shutter speed, or integration timing of
the camera sensor. In Auto mode, the shutter speed
will automatically change based on the scene illumi-
nation. Selecting a shutter speed greater than 1/60
(1/4 through 1/30) will increase camera sensitivity, but
will also increase image lag and blurring. Selecting
a shutter speed less than 1/60 second will decrease
camera sensitivity, but will also improve the ability to
resolve fast moving objects.
Note 1
Selecting any shutter speed other than auto will force
the camera to change from auto day/night mode to
either color or mono mode.