2.6 Patterns (Applies to 3720
Privileged User and Administrator are allowed to configure patterns.
Patterns are created by stepping the camera through desired series of
locations and imaging states.
The system supports 4 recordable/selectable patterns.
Each pattern records the following operator commands for later
recall: Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Autofocus
The pattern stops upon receipt of any imaging or PTZ service
set commands.
• Pattern data is stored in the flash memory and is not lost if a
power failure occurs.
: Patterns record the speed and duration of pan and tilt movements and are not as accurate as pre-
sets in tours. Use tours if position accuracy is important.
Below are steps for programming a pattern:
Select the Patterns tab.
Select the Pattern number (1-4).
Select the Record button and then control the camera to program a smooth tour. When complete,
press the End button.
: The OSD Pan/Tilt/Zoom information does not update when a pattern is being recorded.
To play back the pattern, select the pattern number and then select the Start button.
Select the Stop button to stop running the pattern.
2.7 Presets (Applies to 3960
Privileged User and Administrator are allowed to establish presets.
Presets are predefined pan, tilt, zoom, focus camera views that are stored in the camera.
The camera system supports 64 presets.
: When first received cameras do not have any established presets. Click the Add button to add pre
sets with predefined names: Preset one through Preset 64.
For a preset label to be displayed on the image, the Preset element must be selected in the OSD Configu
ration Menu. See Section
• Click the Configuration button from the camera configuration/
control menu. The Configuration window will appear.
Click the OSD button.
Select the Preset element from the pull-down menu.
• Save or Apply configuration. Close the Configuration window.
Below are steps for programming a preset:
• Click the Presets button from the camera configuration/control
Move the camera to a desired position using Pan, Tilt, Zoom,
Focus and Manual Focus commands.
Type the desired preset name in the window box or choose a
predefined name from the drop-down menu.
Click the Add button to save the preset. Refresh the window if
Program another preset.
Click the Go button to send the camera system to the chosen
Use the Replace button to save a new camera position under the
existing name.
Use the Rename button to rename the preset.
Use the Delete All to delete all presets.