Operation manual SR25
February 2017
Page 2
Coffed BDH | ul. Ceramiczna 28 | 64-
920 Piła PL | tel+48 67 214 26 29 | www.coffed.pl
Coffed BDH, ul. Ceramiczna 28, 64-
920 Piła PL
hereby confirms that the:
Coffee roasting line:
Type: SR25
is in conformity with the following European directives and standards::
Machinery directive
MD 2006/42/EC
Low voltage directive
LVD 2006/95/EC
Electromagnetic compatibility directive
EMC 2004/108/EC
Gas appliance directive
GAD 2009/142/EC
What is equivalent with fulfilling the following standards:
1. PN
– EN ISO 12100
2. PN
– EN 349:1999
3. PN
– EN 60204-1
4. PN-EN 125:2013
And that it has been manufactured according to the technical documentation stored by Coffed
Piła, Poland February 13
, 2017r.
(Damian Elcessor
– Coffed BDH owner)