Technical Manual
Page 37
Issue : B
Rev. : 1
Date : 23/10/13
Doc. i/d : 0109/6
Ref. : 090028
Cal. Timer
This enables calibration to be triggered at period intervals, from the real-time clock. Firstly
the ‘interval’ should
be set from 0 to 168 (1week) using the
keys. Note that a setting of 000 inhibits calibration initiation
from the timer.
The start time of the first calibration can be set in real-
time hours under ‘next cal’. Using the
scroll the time of day from 0000 to 2400 hours, at which time the first calibration will occur. All subsequent
calibrations will be referred to this time.
The plant status input can be reconfigured to act on a remote calibration command. The command is initiated by
shorting the plant status input terminals (28 & 29) in the signal processor. Configure this option by selecting
, to
‘Initiate via Plant Status’
Cal. Alarm
The alarm Hi relay can be reconfigured to act as a
‘cal in progress’
alarm. Select this option, by selecting
at this point. If
is selected, the normal alarm operation will be disabled.
Output Data
The results of the calibration check can be outputted via the 0 or 4-20mA output, by selecting
at this point.
When this option is selected on beginning a calibration, the output will switch to its zero (0 or 4mA) point, while
the Lo flow section of the calibration is made (for approximately 20 seconds). Then, the Hi flow section of the
calibration is made, while the result of the Lo flow section is outputted, and held until the Hi flow is completed
(20 seconds). The Hi flow section of the calibration is then repeated to enable the results of the completed Hi
flow section to be outputted.