Note: If the battery gets extremely low on power, it will enter shutdown mode. The fuel
gauge will shut off in this mode. The battery must charge up to 30 minutes before the fuel
gauge will reestablish communication.
Battery Best Practices
To efficiently use the CR7018 case and battery, the iPhone should be kept at or near full
charge. The B718 battery should be used for power draw and swapped when nearly
Allowing the iPhone to deplete burdens the system. The case is designed to keep the iPhone
charged. Placing a fully-charged B718 battery into a case with a half or nearly dead iPhone
makes the battery work overtime, creating heat and draining power from the B718 battery
rapidly. If the iPhone is kept nearly full, the B718 slowly delivers current to the iPhone
allowing the system to last longer.
The B718 battery will last approximately 6 hours under high-power consumption workflows.
Take note that the amount of power draw depends upon the applications being actively used
or open in the background. For maximum battery usage, exit unneeded applications and dim
the screen to approximately 75%.
For long-term storage or shipping, remove the battery from the case.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Approved Disinfectants
Routine Cleaning and Disinfection
The iPhone screen and screen protector should be kept clean to maintain device
responsiveness. Thoroughly clean the iPhone screen and both sides of the CR7018 screen
protector before installing the iPhone and as they get dirty.
Approved medical disinfectants can be used to clean the CR7018. Do not submerge the
CR7018 case in any liquid or cleaner. Simply wipe it with the approved cleaners and allow it
to air dry.
If the case isn’t communicating to the phone, restart the phone, remove and reinsert the
battery and/or remove the phone from the case and reinsert it.
If the battery gauge does not respond, the battery may be in shutdown mode due to low
power. Charge the case or battery for approximately 30 minutes; then check if the gauge
establishes LED feedback.
Contact Code for Support
For product issues or questions, please contact Code’s support team.