Code Blue
259 Hedcor Street
Holland, MI 49423 USA
page 29 of 56
Administrator Guide
Choose enabled or disabled for this action. Enabled closes the normally open contact; disabled
opens the normally open contact.
Choose the duration you want the action to last. (0 seconds = indefinite.)
Note: This is the most common setting for controlling an auxiliary, such as a blue light strobe
,to stay activated for the duraction of the call if linked to a place call action.
Play Message Action
Play a message when this step is reached as part of your greater action script or as the only action
in your action script.
Upload your recordings by going to the Recordings page. The message only plays out of the Centry
Note: There are blue arrows that can move your action up and down in the action script.
Note: You can string together many actions in the action script.