GREEN w/BLACK: Pulsed Ground Output Before Start
The GREEN w/BLACK wire will provide a 1 second 300mA pulsed ground output 1.5 second before the remote
start system activates. Typical use for this output would be to disarm a factory theft deterrent system to prevent
false triggering of the factory alarm when the Remote Start system engages.
This output can also be used to unlock the doors while the vehicle is remote started. To unlock, press and hold
the transmitter button for 3 seconds while the vehicle is remote started. This feature is designed for vehicles
that have the factory keyless transmitter that does not function with the ignition on. To prevent the system from
unlocking the vehicle when the remote start cycle begins, wire the factory disarm / unlock output with a relay as
illustrated below.
2 Pin Blue Connector : Programming Button
Connect the 2 pin programming plug into the mating connector of the control module. Note the programming
button is built into the antenna.
3 Pin Antenna/Receiver Connector: (Black Connector)
Plug the previously routed three pin connector from the antenna receiver assemble into the mating connector of
the control module. This connector supplies 12 volts, ground and RF data from the antenna receiver to the
remote start module. Be certain this connector is firmly seated making good contact to the control system.
V ehicle's
Unlock W ire
G R E E N/B LAC K F actory
Dis arm / Unlock Output (-)
V ehicle's F actory
Dis arm W ire
G round