CMI | SOP003_rev1.0
Select the correct Video Viewer (objective) in the Video Control Window and calibrate (using
‘Video Calibration’ button). The rotation should be within -1 and +1 degree. If not, rotate the
camera in the binocular and redo the calibration. Hint: center a piece of dirt or scratch in the
video viewer window and try calibration again if having trouble getting the rotation below 1.
Turn the roller (at the Raman coupler) to needed laser wavelength (with edge filter off) and
switch on the shutter of the respective laser with minimum power. Adjust the laser power until
the laser spot can be seen in the video image. Move the microscope in ‘z’ to focus the laser until
the laser spot is sharp.
Select ‘Probe position’ on the laser spot.
Make sure the correct spectrometer is connected with the camera fibre and the right laser is
selected using the ‘Configuration’ in the taskbar
50 micron fibre : 633nm use
100 micron fibre : 785nm use
It is recommended to calibrate with silicon , if switching between wavelengths, but can be
possible as a quick check just to swap in the fibre cables.
Note: Take extreme care when
handling the fibre cables as they can be damaged very easily. Ensure that the raised edge on
the fibre end lines up with slot on the connector before tightening.
Switch the coupler to laser wavelength with edge filter on.
Pull out the knob to ‘Camera mode’ (the light propagates through the detection fibre now).
Remove the beam splitter (set to either position 4) (not BF nor DIC or position 2 (extra DIC optics
filters in that position).
Start ‘Oscilloscope’, and adjust the power of the laser to get maximum intensity of the 1
Raman band of Silic
on at ≈520
Adjust fine focus.
Using the X and Y fibre knob (on top of the laser coupler), get the maximum intensity of the
Raman band; then again adjust the Z focus with objective.
Redo the above steps till maximum intensity is obtained.
Record the spectrum for silicon , say 0.5 integration time , verify that the peak intensity is as
expected and in the right place ie 520 rel wavenumbers.
Close the laser shutter and stop the oscilloscope. Alignment of the microscope is now completed.