The 'Engineering' box contains parameters involved with the setup of onboard functions of the logger. The are several
communications monitoring parameters that are set to ensure that the communications to the logger are functional and
Battery operated loggers will wake up, connect to the server and upload their data. Should this fail, it would be a large
drain on the battery of the logger to continually try and connect. For this reason, the logger has a single chance to wake up
and establish a connection. If that fails, it will return to sleep and a only reconnect at the next wakeup period. At the start
of a wake up, the 'Max Start Time' timer will be started. Should the connection to the server take longer than this preset
time, the connection will be aborted and the logger will be put back to sleep. For powered loggers, the modem will be
powered down and the process to connect will be restarted from scratch until a connection is established.
There are two other timers that ensure the communications are
logger communicates with the server, there is continuous communications between the two. Should this stall for a period
longer than this timeout value (in seconds), the logger will abort the conn
establish a connection (powered).
The second is the 'Heartbeat Time'.
This is for powered loggers only
interval set by this timer. The logger will respond to
not receive two heartbeat pings in a row, it will assume there has been a failure in the communications and abort the
connection and go back to sleep (battery) or re
This logger can operate in one of three power configurations.
In this mode the logger
allowing for the streaming of
In this mode, the
its recorded data to a remote database
External 12V supply
automatically switch to battery mode should the power fail.
Each power mode can be selected from the
which the logger will switch from Mains to Battery mode is defined by the 'Power Threshold' voltage. This should only
under special circumstances be adjusted from
The Nimbus Pulse logger has an onboard ECO interface for the connection to GWF water meters. There are two parameters
associated with this type of interface. The first is the 'ECO Timeout' which is the maximum length of time the interface m
wait for the meter to deliver data once activated. And secondly, the 'ECO Holdoff' which is the minimum amount of time
allowed between activating the ECO interface and reading the meter. Both these parameters are in seconds.
And lastly, an advanced function showing the modem diagnostics can be switched on or off. What this will do is stream all
the modem commands to the diagnostic screen for analysis.
kept off by default.
'Engineering' box contains parameters involved with the setup of onboard functions of the logger. The are several
communications monitoring parameters that are set to ensure that the communications to the logger are functional and
loggers will wake up, connect to the server and upload their data. Should this fail, it would be a large
drain on the battery of the logger to continually try and connect. For this reason, the logger has a single chance to wake up
n. If that fails, it will return to sleep and a only reconnect at the next wakeup period. At the start
of a wake up, the 'Max Start Time' timer will be started. Should the connection to the server take longer than this preset
aborted and the logger will be put back to sleep. For powered loggers, the modem will be
powered down and the process to connect will be restarted from scratch until a connection is established.
There are two other timers that ensure the communications are functioning correctly. First is the 'Comms Timeout'. When a
logger communicates with the server, there is continuous communications between the two. Should this stall for a period
longer than this timeout value (in seconds), the logger will abort the connection and go back to sleep (battery) or re
This is for powered loggers only
. The server will continuously ping the logger at the
interval set by this timer. The logger will respond to the ping and the two will remain in communications. Should the logger
not receive two heartbeat pings in a row, it will assume there has been a failure in the communications and abort the
connection and go back to sleep (battery) or re-establish a connection (powered).
can operate in one of three power configurations.
In this mode the logger will be continuously connected to the server
allowing for the streaming of real time data.
In this mode, the logger will 'wakeup' (normally 6 hourly) and upload
its recorded data to a remote database and then go to sleep.
External 12V supply + Battery. In this mode the logger will
automatically switch to battery mode should the power fail.
can be selected from the items under 'Power Mode'. When a logger is in Dual Mode, the voltage point at
which the logger will switch from Mains to Battery mode is defined by the 'Power Threshold' voltage. This should only
sted from 3.2V.
The Nimbus Pulse logger has an onboard ECO interface for the connection to GWF water meters. There are two parameters
associated with this type of interface. The first is the 'ECO Timeout' which is the maximum length of time the interface m
wait for the meter to deliver data once activated. And secondly, the 'ECO Holdoff' which is the minimum amount of time
allowed between activating the ECO interface and reading the meter. Both these parameters are in seconds.
And lastly, an advanced function showing the modem diagnostics can be switched on or off. What this will do is stream all
the modem commands to the diagnostic screen for analysis.
This is really only for advanced troubleshooting and should be
'Engineering' box contains parameters involved with the setup of onboard functions of the logger. The are several
communications monitoring parameters that are set to ensure that the communications to the logger are functional and
loggers will wake up, connect to the server and upload their data. Should this fail, it would be a large
drain on the battery of the logger to continually try and connect. For this reason, the logger has a single chance to wake up
n. If that fails, it will return to sleep and a only reconnect at the next wakeup period. At the start
of a wake up, the 'Max Start Time' timer will be started. Should the connection to the server take longer than this preset
aborted and the logger will be put back to sleep. For powered loggers, the modem will be
powered down and the process to connect will be restarted from scratch until a connection is established.
functioning correctly. First is the 'Comms Timeout'. When a
logger communicates with the server, there is continuous communications between the two. Should this stall for a period
ection and go back to sleep (battery) or re-
. The server will continuously ping the logger at the
the ping and the two will remain in communications. Should the logger
not receive two heartbeat pings in a row, it will assume there has been a failure in the communications and abort the
be continuously connected to the server
logger will 'wakeup' (normally 6 hourly) and upload
In this mode the logger will
items under 'Power Mode'. When a logger is in Dual Mode, the voltage point at
which the logger will switch from Mains to Battery mode is defined by the 'Power Threshold' voltage. This should only
The Nimbus Pulse logger has an onboard ECO interface for the connection to GWF water meters. There are two parameters
associated with this type of interface. The first is the 'ECO Timeout' which is the maximum length of time the interface may
wait for the meter to deliver data once activated. And secondly, the 'ECO Holdoff' which is the minimum amount of time
allowed between activating the ECO interface and reading the meter. Both these parameters are in seconds.
And lastly, an advanced function showing the modem diagnostics can be switched on or off. What this will do is stream all
This is really only for advanced troubleshooting and should be