Local IP
Datalog Size
Current Clock
Battery Status
Current Power
Local IP address assigned by the GSM netwo
IP system to ensure that the correct IP has been assigned to the
Number of records in the datalog/maximum number possible for the selected application
Current Date/Time on the
The logger does need to have connected to the server for the time to have been updated.
Battery status for
important to note th
than normal load (
than the recorded battery status in the datalog (which is read while the
essentially idle).
An indicator as to how this
mode but can vary for systems on Dual Power mode. For
this parameter will display the current power status of the
The 'I/O Parameter' block is the data used to setup the I/O functions of the logger.
able to synchronise the volume readings for
When entering the new Totaliser readings (the Pulse Reading
processed in the setting of the Pulse count on the logger.
Pulse weights refer to the volume of measurement for each pulse on the input. This volume is as a ratio of the
measurement unit. For instance, if measuring cubic metres (Pulse Units=m3) and each pulse represents 100 litres, then the
pulse weight would be 0.1 - however if measuring in litres (Pulse Units=litres) and each pulse is still 100 litres, then the
pulse weight would be 100. The Pulse Reading, Pulse Weight and Pulse Units can all be entered in the 'I/O Parameter' box.
Next are the 'General Setup' parameters. These are parameters that are used for the general descriptions and applications
of the logger.
Local IP address assigned by the GSM network. This data is important when using a static
IP system to ensure that the correct IP has been assigned to the logger.
umber of records in the datalog/maximum number possible for the selected application
Current Date/Time on the logger. This is automatically set by the server to be UTC time.
does need to have connected to the server for the time to have been updated.
Battery status for loggers that are powered by battery, expressed as a percentage. It is
important to note that this will be the battery status read while the logger
load (Bluetooth communications active). It would normally indicate lower
than the recorded battery status in the datalog (which is read while the
An indicator as to how this logger is being powered. Normally the same as the power
mode but can vary for systems on Dual Power mode. For loggers in a dual power mode,
this parameter will display the current power status of the logger. Battery or Ma
The 'I/O Parameter' block is the data used to setup the I/O functions of the logger.
This is the place where you would be
readings for Pulse input 1 and 2.
When entering the new Totaliser readings (the Pulse Readings), the pulse weights are automatically calculated and
processed in the setting of the Pulse count on the logger.
Pulse weights refer to the volume of measurement for each pulse on the input. This volume is as a ratio of the
, if measuring cubic metres (Pulse Units=m3) and each pulse represents 100 litres, then the
however if measuring in litres (Pulse Units=litres) and each pulse is still 100 litres, then the
ading, Pulse Weight and Pulse Units can all be entered in the 'I/O Parameter' box.
Next are the 'General Setup' parameters. These are parameters that are used for the general descriptions and applications
rk. This data is important when using a static
umber of records in the datalog/maximum number possible for the selected application
. This is automatically set by the server to be UTC time.
does need to have connected to the server for the time to have been updated.
s that are powered by battery, expressed as a percentage. It is
logger is under larger
communications active). It would normally indicate lower
than the recorded battery status in the datalog (which is read while the logger is
is being powered. Normally the same as the power
s in a dual power mode,
. Battery or Mains.
This is the place where you would be
s), the pulse weights are automatically calculated and
Pulse weights refer to the volume of measurement for each pulse on the input. This volume is as a ratio of the
, if measuring cubic metres (Pulse Units=m3) and each pulse represents 100 litres, then the
however if measuring in litres (Pulse Units=litres) and each pulse is still 100 litres, then the
ading, Pulse Weight and Pulse Units can all be entered in the 'I/O Parameter' box.
Next are the 'General Setup' parameters. These are parameters that are used for the general descriptions and applications