CDI-46 Installation and Setup Guide V1.3
IMPORTANT – Please refer to the PM Series Installation Guide for full information regarding maximum cable length, buss
terminations and current requirements.
The earlier Cloud CDPM Series of paging microphones is also compatible with the Digital Paging Interface.
Remote Control of the 46-120 via Ethernet
The CDI-46 has a server function, which makes control pages available in a browser running on any device on the same network
as the card. This permits simple and elegant real-time control of the 46-120 from any convenient device on the network.
OS and Browser compatibility
The CDI-46’s Ethernet feature set is compatible with PCs running Windows® Vista, 7 or 8, and Apple® Mac® computers
running OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) upwards.
The CDI-46 will also run correctly with Windows XP, but please note that
Cloud is unable to recommend this Operating
System as it is no longer supported by Microsoft
Installers should appreciate that due to the frequency of browser updates, it is impossible to provide a definitive list of compatible
browser versions. However, at the time of creating this Installation Guide, the CDI-46 has been tested to operate satisfactorily
with the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 11
Chrome v.42
Firefox v.35
Safari v.8.02
Earlier versions of the above browsers, and some versions of other browsers, may also work correctly, though no guarantee
can be given.
Similarly, though Cloud expects that later versions of the above browsers will be satisfactory, no guarantee can be given.
Checking browser compatibility
The CDI-46 server pages use HTML5 and CSS3, which should be implemented on most recent browser versions. The HTML
features used are as follows:
Input type=number
Section elements
“hidden” attribute
If there is any doubt regarding browser compatibility, Cloud recommends the use of the website
to check which
features your browser supports.